Pines / сосна : 9 species, including:
Pinus silvestris
European Red Pine
Image by wikipedia
A long, bare, straight trunk, blue-green 1-2” long needles, and orange-red bark which ages to
brown make this tree distinctive. Grows in the poor soil of sandy or rocky areas and peat bogs;
tends to be outcompeted by spruce and broadleaf trees in more fertile soils. It is grown
commercially for pulp and timber.
Pinus mugo
Mountain Pine
photo by Conifer Kingdom
Found at tree line in the Carpathians and at other high-elevation cold and wet places,
especially north
mountain slopes. A low, shrubby growth habit allows this pine to spring back after
being bent by heavy
snow loads. Useful for erosion control and avalanche breaks
Pinus cembra
Swiss Stone Pine
photo by Wikipedia
This slow-growing 5-needle pine lives at high elevations in the Carpathians
and other European mountain ranges. It produces edible pine nuts.
Fir / ялиця :9 species, including
Abies alba - Silver Fir
Images from Wikipedia
Inhabits the Carpathians mountains, where it grows up to 200’ tall. Ukraine’s
most ecologically and economically important fir. The timber is used for
construction and furniture-making. Bees “milk” aphids to produce an unusual
“fir honey”.
Deciduous Trees
Acer species
Maples / клен
Species include Tatar, Norway, and Sycamore maples.
Quercus robur
Oak / дуб
Image by woodland trust
Widespread on neutral-pH soils across Europe. Acorns tend to be produced every other year
in large quantities.
Fraxinus species
Ash / ясен
Image from Wikipedia
The European Ash is most widespread, and is used in furniture-making and building.
Ashes are members of the Olive tree family.
Tilia species:
Linden Tree / липа
Image from
In Ukrainian, the month of July is named after this tree’s creamy golden,
sweetly scented flowers, which can be made into tea. The wood is used for
furniture and musical instrument-making.
Carpinus betulus - храб / European Hornbean
Grows at low elevations, often in mixed stands with oak and beech. This
medium-sized tree is useful as an urban street tree, and as firewood.
Fagus sylvatica- бук / European Beech
Images from Wikipedia
Produces shady, old-growth, end-sucession forests. Mature trees help to
nourish saplings in the shady understory, so that new beeches are prepared to
rapidly grow and fill in canopy gaps left by fallen trees.