Thursday, August 25, 2011

Santo Espirito and Vanuatu food and modern culture

Little fish

Big fish! 8'2" sailfish

Vanuatu locals

Little local yacht

The 'Wong Size Store'

Mmmm... meat And beef

Making a traditional mat from palm leaves

Traditional dance at Randy cultural village

Sand drawing

Traditional cooking- taro in a bamboo tube- tasty!


Rotting seawalls and quonset huts from WWII dot the Luganville landscape

Luganville River, former hideout for navy boats

Luganville kids

The big scary huntsmen spider that took up residence in the vberth

Million Dollar Point, where the US army dropped tons of equipment into the water before they left at the end of WWII

Jumping into a blue hole in limestone-based Santo

A traditional Vanuatu village

Copra smoking house

An inspired coconut crab trap

Every thatch house needs... a thatch car port!

North Santo beach
7 hr trip to Santo, SE wind cloudy mod swell good time made.  Went between two points, one with a large fishing vessel shipwrecked on it.  Arrrive at Palicula bay, excited for bar, hot showers, laundry 1st time in more than a month.. And it’s not there.  The reputed marina does not exist any more.  See 3 wrecks in bay, more underwater probably. Woulda been nice to kayak, but cloudy can’t find passage through reef,  bouys gone, no one there.  All the other boats go down to oyster bay etc.  Leave, go 2 hrs down to Santo, wind is 20 knots f E, so we’re worried about anchoring there, but Segund channel is flat, a lil breezy but good holding.  Anchor 30’ sand off white beach, lots boats around, some moorings.  Few gusts here.  Stalled front is making things grey and windy, but cool.  Wondering how we will find the famous wreck dives under the surface of Segund Channel.
Go in to Luganville quick to get groc before dark.  Beachfront resort very helpful, Chinese groc and lots small shops along long central street, lots taxis some minibuses.  Market with just peanuts, yams, taro, cassava, bananas, nuts, pawpaws, giant cucumbers, pumpkins, watermelons.  Pretty good selection at stores, but its not Vila.  Lots of older white guys around.
Jackster shows up and we have dinner with Jackie and David, and also Larry and Robin off power boat.  Baird smart lil boy.  Nice conv, anchors (Cpt has 45lb CQR, they had trouble with stainless CQR and now use delta, destinations, ant, picton castle, 180th parallel on charts).  Fish curry good.
No internet worth speaking of in Vanuatu.

Randy Cultural Village, Luganville, and Vanuatu food and culture
The more ostentatious displays of vanuatu traditional culture seems to be confined mostly to the privacy of homes and inaccessible interior villages, or to shows put on for tourists.  Everyone we see seems to be wearing western-style shorts/skirt and tshirts or mother hubbard dresses, and talking on cell phones.  Traditional agriculture is alive and well, although most people seem to liberally supplement the old staples of cassava, taro, sweet potatoes, bananas, pawpaw, mangoes, etc with canned meats and processed snacks.  Corned beef and fish canned in PNG or Australia seems to have largely replaced the healthy fresh fish which is readily available caught in the sea next to most villages.  The preference for canned food is quite puzzling.  As a young person trying to get ahead on a lower-middle-class income in America, I could never afford the variety and quantity of fresh fruits, vegetables, and seafood that I would have liked.  Grains, rice, canned vegetables, and peanut butter were my staples.  I suppose this is part of the reason why obesity has become a disease of the poor of this generation.  Here in Vanuatu I am very happy to be able to buy two week’s worth of produce for two (e.g. lettuce, cabbage, island lettuce, carrots, radishes, onions, potatoes, garlic, eggplant, tomatoes, cucumber, papaya, coconut, mandarins, and bananas) for US$10-15. Seafood (dorado, tuna, mahi-mahi, lobster, etc) come free via a trolling line or a snorkeling expedition.  Of course this low price is partly a reflection of the rich soil and the fact that an hour’s worth of labor does not earn as much in Vanuatu as it does in the US.  But there is still a healthy ratio between ‘good food’ prices and ‘bad food prices’.  Our much smaller two-week snack supply of snacks (canned peanuts, cookies, chocolate, crackers, cheese, pate or salami), instant noodles) comes to $20-25.
Vanuatu culture does live on in still-relevant legends, taboos, kava drinking, 700+ mutually unintelligible languages, village lifestyle, house construction… it definitely is there.  It’s just not the plethora of in-your-face, exotic differences like the ones that greeted Cook in Tahiti, for example. We went to two Penama day celebrations in Pentacost, hoping for some crazy all-night kava drinking and dances.  In Pentacost we met an exceedingly friendly local fellow named Thomas.  He invited us to join him for kava on the beach, and later to his large terraced water-taro fields to fish for prawn.  When he mentioned there was a Penama day celebration down the coast that involved dancing, we were very excited.  Everyone loaded into our dingy and off we went.  The celebration was in a small village in South Pentacost.  We threaded our way in through the reef, rowing the last bit with our flip-flops when the water became too shallow for the outboard.  A large group of children met us on shore with ‘hellos’ and happily filled the dingy with sandy footprints the moment we were out of sight.  (Later in the day the tide came high up on the beach while we were kava-drunk, and someone pulled the boat up for us.  I have a mental image of a hoard of barefoot Lilliputian figures tugging at the heavy dingy.)  We spent all day with a rather placid crowd watching soccer and volleyball matches between local villages.  The playing field was surrounded by ad hoc food and kava booths and a stage with really loud recorded music.  We wandered around the field and found that Kava Booth #7 was occupied by a couple of Kansas missionaries who had spent the last two years attempting to translate the Bible into a few local languages.  Points for helping to preserve some languages, I guess.  The project seemed to be going a little slow for them, but then I didn’t get the impression they were playing with a full deck.  Kava Booth #7 and its free pidgin hymn printouts was the only kava booth not getting any business.  As the day passed we inevitably came together with the other white person present in the crowd of 300 or so.  This was a 27 year-old Peace Corp girl with a Masters in public health.  She was serving a two-year commitment in a village in the hills.  She talked a bit about her education efforts on the topics of obesity-related diseases and STDs.  She didn’t have the resources to do much more than give occasional educational talks, which must have been a bit frustrating for a young professional.  In the evening there was some kava drinking and a health talk, then everyone drifted home a couple hours after dark.  The fare sold at the booths was all uniquely Vanuatu- kava and lap lap.  Laplap, the national dish is shredded, baked cassava, sometimes accompanied by meat or fish.  To me, eating lap lap was comparable to shredding wet carboard and baking it into a cake.  My partner got more enjoyment out of it.  Vanuatu kava is great.  In Fiji, we experimented with various brewing times and techniques in an attempt to produce some kava that had any effect other than numbing our mouths.  We were unsuccessful.  Therefore when we were offered kava at the Penama day festivities, we blithely knocked back several half-coconut bowls each.  Shortly afterwards we both experienced a pleasant feeling like a relaxed alcoholic buzz, then felt tired and sick to our stomachs.  I was delighted, though a little disappointed at missing out on the final element of the full kava experience- temporarily losing the ability to walk.  I proceeded to remove my female self from the forbidden bounds of the kava bar.  I sat down next to a group of women and gave them a giddy grin.  They responded by making their disgust very clear to their taboo-breaking interloper (women aren’t supposed to drink kava in the more traditional areas).  Though no dancing materialized, I had received my dose of genuine culture.
I still yearned for a little color and action, so we ended up at another Penama day celebration in the island’s administrative center, Loltong.  At dusk we wandered up to the beer/kava bar, me again hoping for some wild dancing, perhaps in traditional woven skirts with little bells on the ankles as LP suggested?  Well, it was all tshirt and shorts and mother hubbards, but boy, there sure was dancing.  It took the form of moderate swaying to a live-band reggae beat.  Kids, grandmas, and the oldest guy in the village gyrated in a little cluster in front of the band.  At 8 o’clock it started to rain as we retreated to the boat and had an early night.  At 3am I awoke, restless, and stepped outside.  The sounds of music and dancing drifted out across the bay, through the pouring rain.
Well, I could definitely respect a culture where grandma goes out dancing from 6pm to 6am.  But I still hadn’t seen any unique local moves.  So finally, in Luganville, with the end of the Vanuatu experience looming near, I gave in.  Off we went to the “Randy Cultural Village”.
It was US$15 for a 10km taxi ride, and $15 each for the show- the cheapest around.  Unfortunately, when we got there, the guy who runs the village said it was Sunday, so they wouldn’t be dancing.  Curses!  He was a nice guy though, and it wasn’t a bad show.  If you were just in Vanuatu for a week or two, staying in cities and resorts, it would be worthwhile for a taste of Vanuatu traditional culture.  He and his family showed us some sand-drawing, mat weaving, magic, fire walking, kava preparation, and lap lap preparation with traditional tools- a bamboo knife, pandanus stem shredder, and a steam-pot made of a section of bamboo filled with saltwater.  Here, they wrapped the shredded cassava in leaves of island cabbage, and with the saltwater seasoning it was actually real tasty.  The mats were woven from pandanus leaves that had been cut into thin strips with a bamboo knife, singed, soaked in saltwater for one day, and dried in the sun for three days to bleach them.  Then they were drawn over the edge of a bamboo knife (like curling ribbon) to soften them, and woven together.  Some mats were died with red patterns with a cooked mix of breadfruit and the pith of a certain vine.  Apparently saltwater was used as a fixative.  Randy and his family wore traditional dress.  For the males this was two folded mats- front and rear- hung from a fiber belt around the waist, and fiber bands around the biceps with green leaves tucked into them.  The women wore skirt-like mats and a cumbersome-looking mat top.  Randy’s family seemed very happy and had a nice dynamic with each other.  Interestingly, Randy addressed his young son in Pidgin and English rather than a local language.  Enroute home, our taxi driver pointed out the Vanuatu Mobile Forces training center (Vanuatu has no army, only an extra-police force for emergencies) and a settlement of Banks Islanders.  The Banks people have taken refuge here for about 20 years while a volcano has made their home untenable.  They play unique water music for cruise-ship passengers.  We passed the commercial wharf, where LCUs and fishing boats on- and off-loaded at a relaxed tropical pace amongst fuel tanks, cargo containers, and WWII era Quonset huts.
I noticed that outside the city, the landscape very quickly returned to jungle with patches of local gardens.

We spend several days stocking up on Luganville.

Our next anchorage is Oyster Bay- a beautiful sheltered area with great coral and multiple little anchorage to tuck into.  And the guesthouse has showers!!!

After this we anchor in Hog Harbor for several days.  I read about predicting weather by barometer:
Fall after calm and warm day :     rain and squalls
Fall with a northerly wind     strong winds and rain
Small fall with east wind        strong winds
Steady                same wx continuing   
Gradual rise            Settled wx
Rapid rise            Unsettled wx with possible squalls
Rise with south wind        Becoming fine
Closer to tropics, the smaller the barometric change needed to produce weather.

Port Orly
Alternately called Port Olry and Port Lory by various people.   Cloudy first few days, but then sun came out and it was one of most beaut places in Van.  Lots of shallow sandy corally blue water.  Lots wildlife- saw 3 turtles all together snorkeling, one reticent dugong, lots other turtle sightings about every time we kayaked.  Coral OK near islands, out by lil archipelago island was gorgeous,  Three rays- med steel blue, large dark, and small blue ray.  People a lil surly, but also met some nice ones occasionally.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Tanna, Vanuatu

Hot springs on the shore of Port Resolution

A little tourist hostel

Mt Yasur

Lava bomb

Mt Yasur at night

Mt Yasur ash plains

Pandanu on Tanna

Banyan trees are important in Vanuatu- a massive one often stands at the centre of a village and acts as a hurricane shelter.

Port Resolution

On the rim of Yasur

Yasur ash plains

Mt Yasur

Our first encounter with pidgin english is in Tanna

Hot springs flowing into the ocean at Port Resolution

Ash cliffs of Port Resolution

Mt Yasur at night
Went in evening to see 1000’ tall Mt Yasur- we wanted to see it in the daylight and after dark.  We drive up big barren ashy/ejected rocks slope, then walk a couple hundred feet up to rim. The path was lined with flimsy bamboo rails that were broken in many places by ejected rocks.  Every few minutes we could hear a deep booming, like distant artillery.  The noise got louder as we climbed (first heard it at gate), and we started to see red ejected rocks coming up amidst big clouds of smoke.  When I paused to look up, I could feel warmth through my shoes.  A strong SE wind was blowing it away from us and making it safe to stand on the rim.  We stood on the high part of the rim, on a 20’ wide flat area looking down a steep rubble slope to the 3 vents in the crater.  Little fumaroles puffed away a few feet below us on the slope. Behind us was a shallower rubble slope leading to ash flats where everything was dead, and flat grass and forest areas that the ash fall had spared.  Cloudy night. 
There were several others on the rim.  Every few minutes the volcano would send a big shower of molten rock far above our heads , accompanied by a boom, a pressure wave visible in the smoke, and then a throaty sucking sound.  Everyone stopped and looked up at each eruption, watching the trajectory of the ejected lava bombs.   A Japanese tourist was killed here a few years ago by a lava bomb.  One sailed over the rim, but we didn’t have to step aside for any.
Mt Yasur is of the most amazing natural phenomena I’ve seen.  The noise and sight of the lava bombs soaring up above me- and the potential of being hit by one- made me jumpy and weak-kneed at first.  After awhile I got a little habituated to it and made a careful journey partway round the rim to look down into the craters.  They were very deep and steep and lit by a wavering red glow.  Incredible place.

Next day we took a truck across Tanna and went in to Lenakal for supplies.  Lenakel is very small.  I witnessed a strange event when a happy, laughing crowd ran and gathered to watch some girl who had tried to run off on a ship get wacked with a palm frond for her supposed infidelity.  It was creepy cause she looked terrified and her arm seemed to be broken/dislocated.  She carried a machete in the other hand and was being dragged around by a man- her Father?
Not much to Lenakal, some dry goods shop and market with carrots, cabbage, lettuce, plantain, pumpkin, cocunut, papaya, fish, 30 lil mandarins on stick for $1- all real cheap.  Nat bank with Short Term Deposits for 5.5%.
Port Resolution village, next to the anchorage, is big and spread out, almost all totally thatch/bamboo/logs.  People say hi, but not as overtly friendly as Fjij.
Left at sunset for Errogmango.  Sleepy night.  Seas pretty regular, big swells 3-6’ rolling us around, partly cloudy with a couple rain showers, wind SE at 15-20knots.  We can see the red glow of Yasur from far out to sea- the same glow that beckoned Cpt Cook.  Anchored in clear water, sand, 20’ in Dillon Bay.  No other ships seen.  Just a couple lights on Tanna, none at all on Erromango.  Only saw a couple fishing ships and a cargo ship since leaving  Fiji.

Fiji-Vanuatu Crossing

First sight of land in Vanuatu
Checked out in AM, then headed out thru pass.  Passed Magic Island and another small island with surfers’ hotels, and the famous breaks Dreamkeeper and Cloudbreak.  Big steep swell in passage, but it was wide and the reefs easy to see.  Set the heavy weather vane on the self-steering and set a course for Vanuatu in 15-20 knot S winds, sunny, moderate sized seas.  Cool; laying in sun felt good and warm.
Surprisingly, did this one without getting seasick- just feelin a lil weird, trying 1 Bonine/8hrs now instead of Sturgeron.  Uneventful passage, started on a reach for a day or two, then running.  Real good time throughout, top spped 6.8 kntos, average 6.0 knots.  Mostly a 20 knot wind that we didn’t feel much as it was behind us.  Mostly even broad swells, a lil steep and sometimes mixed up, decks mostly dry though.  Couple days sun, then clouds descended last day, saw Futuna Island around 9am on the 22nd- steep island, vis easy from 12 miles out, top buried in clouds.
Mainland was pretty much enveloped totally in drizzle, and we didn’t see it til we were about 10 miles out- 1.5 hrs away.  Brown ash cliffs dropping down to sea, with a narrow shallow zone in front.  Low point with low bluffs along sea and a rock sticking out called Cooks’ Hat.  Not sure if we could make it into the anchorage, as there was a good swell going, and the charts are never to be trusted in Melanesia.  We had been racing to get here all day, and had arrived about 30-60 min to sunset in this grey dreary weather.  Took down sails and motored in the last bit.  Point sheltered us from the worst of the swells just before we got into the shallower section of the passage-  25-30m at low tide.  Stayed close to the cliff side on way in.  Water murky inside, cove gradually shallowed up and we anchored in 14‘.  Not quite out of swells’ it’s a bit of a rolly anchorage.  B put flopper-stopper out- really helped, tho this AM is rolly again.  Good sleep for first time in a few days last night, lots of dreams.
Cook found this anchorage in 1774, after stopping at Santo and finding Erromango.  Things weren’t too friendly then, but here he found a good place to spent a couple weeks repositioning.  How did he sail in and sail out of here?  Wow- scary to think of going in only under sail power- sure he would have scouted it well beforehand though.  Also scary to think about being in that scout party, back when all these people were cannibals, and there were maybe 1 mil Ni-Vanuatu (pop reduce to 1/20 that size - 45,000 by 1935 by newly introduced European diseases).
Beaut friendly lil cove to come into after the windy sea.  Felt like it was good we got in, like it would get worse, and sure enough, next day there is a gale warning.  No getting out the passage today for us- it’s too narrow to tack, straight into wind and Marquesa won’t power into big seas and 20+knot winds, as has been demonstrated more than once.  She is a sailboat, not a motorboat.
The anchorage is lines by low bluffs and some beach border to the south and west, high to the north.  Behind the north hill is Mt Yasur, and the hill itself is active with 4 or more little hot springs.  Everything is clad in dark green bush, has a moody feel on such a  wet grey day.  I’m in a sweatshirt and long pants drinking hot chocolate.  Mosq nets are up right away since we have to worry about P falciparum malaria now.  A couple of the hot springs are right down at water level, hissing away very actively, and I wonder if there are any such vents below us, underwater.  The ones up the hill send clouds of steam up to hover over the dark green trees.  Its’ great!
You can see all the ash layers in the sea cliffs - from Yasur or something bigger and older? Yasur has only been going for 800 years, so prob something older.  Most all the volcanic islands in the world are surprisingly young- way younger than the dinosaurs.  The cliffs are riddled by intriguing sea caves, which I will kayak later when the surf is less violent.   Vaunuatu has been on a convergent plate margin for a long time (others like Fiji used to be, but are now not active).  The sub ducting plate used to come from the east, now things have reversed and the Australian plate is sub ducting under the Pacific.   It gives the place a complicated, active geology.  There are lots of little and large earthquakes here, and 9 active volcanoes (7 on land).

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

escape from Lautoka customs, Vuda Point Marina, and Musket Cove, Fiji

After wrapping up repairs and errands in the Lautoka area, we made a series of attempts to check out of Fiji.
The first was last Friday. Dave went in and spent an hour waiting in line and going through the entire check-out process with customs. Near the end customs asked when he would leave Fiji and unfortunately, Dave replied honestly and said ‘tomorrow’. He was told that we had to be out of the country within an hour and that he would have to come back tomorrow and pay $95 overtime to check out, or wait til Monday.
Consequently we spent another couple days at Vuda Point Marina, and Monday took the bus to Lautoka once again. We got to customs at 11 and were told to come back after lunch, at 1400. At 1400 there was an hour-long wait in line, and a second run through the customs process. The started by telling us that today we could check out now and leave tomorrow, an offer we declined. They finished by asking to inspect the boat. The boat being at Vuda Point, we wound up stuck in Fiji for another day.
Tuesday we brought the boat east to Lautoka and checked out for the third time at 11. We then sat in the harbor as they had instructed, waiting for them to come out and inspect us, until 1500. Finally we reached someone on the radio, who asked that we re-inflate the dingy, which was stowed for passage, and come back in to the office. After a frustrating radio exchange, they backed down from this request and let us leave.
It was far too late to make it out the reef channel before dark, so we ended up hiding out in Vuda Point Marina for the night. In the morning we headed west, but the wind was against us and we took refuge for one last night in Musket Cove Marina.
Musket Cove was very nice, with a broad well-marked passage in to a $15Fiji/night mooring area. There were about 25 other boats but plenty of free moorings still. To the east, north, and south curved the sandy, resort-covered beaches of the Malolo Islands. These had a nice communal atmosphere, and yachties and guests seemed welcome to wander between the various bars, restaurants, boutiques, pools, and hammock-strewn beachfront areas of various resorts. There was a little 10 or 15-slip marina dug out of the coral, with a popular yachtie bar sitting ona sandy island at the end of the dock. A couple of shops here had some of the best bookstores, book exchanges, and groceries with European/American products I’ve seen in Fiji, though at fairly high prices.
In the morning we headed out through Malolo passage. It had some big steep swells washing through but was wide, deep, and easy to see. From there we set a course for Vanuatu…

The very popular Vuda Point Marina

Narrow entrance to Vuda Point Marina

Fiji landscape and town

Dug into the ground for hurricane season

Vuda Point Marina

Lautoka landscape

Musket Cove

Musket Cove

Musket Cove drumming ship

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Namena, Bligh Water, Yasawas, and Lautoka, Fiji

what we look out for- reef

Big fire in Namena

Dry country in the Yasawas

Head-high razor grass

Fish trap, Yasawas



Funny algae in Yasawas

Limestone island in Yasawas

Yasawa Island

Limestone island, Yasawas

Burning candlenuts for a torch

Blue Lagoon, Yasawas


Savusavu to Namena Reef anchorage
Up around 0800 and left Savusavu anchorage in the company of 3 other boats that soon turned for Somosomo.  Anchor got caught up a bit on coral clearly vis in the 35’ water in dawn light, easily untangled.
Sailed upwind- NW winds as soon as we started this way.  There is a low to the south of us, and we’re catching the upper side of the clockwise flow into it.  It’s slow moving and over SW Fiji for a few days.  Hoping to get rain to wash clothes.
Very still early in day, a couple dolphins seen very briefly.  Tons of fish poison fruit, shore leaves and grass floating in water.  Calm seas.  Skies are sunny with high clouds of change overhead, and some cumulous building on southern and western horizon.  After 3 hours the sky is still bright but there is more cumulous in the west, and a few few-moving fluffy lower clouds cross the sun occasionally.  I go below to grab a bite and use the head before we go through the pass into Namena barrier reef, after which we will have to keep a constant watch for reefs.  The wind is 10-15 knots.
Five minutes later I come back up, and it’s blowing 25 knots.  The western sky is a fast-approaching wall of grey, the land and water below the cloud front last in a pall of rain.  I look at a big trash fire I’d noticed earlier, a few miles away on shore.  It’s really kicked up, and the wind is doing weird things with the smoke, curling it up into a big funnel before driving it out in a thick yellow-grey cloud across the bay.  It reminds me of fire activity picking up on a big western wildfire.  Something unpleasant is coming our way. 
Cpt doesn’t’ like the look of things either.  The pass is upwind anyway, and I steer into the wind as he goes forward and takes the jib down.  The main is still secured from last night.  The wind rapidly increases to 30 knots, with gusts to 35.  Cpt: “These are the worst possible conditions for going through a pass.  This is how people lose boats”.  We bob on the rapidly growing steep little seas and watch the thick rain front approaching.  The little boat image on the electronic chart plotter gets closer to the reef passage.  It’s a pretty wide passage, but long, and we can’t see where it is in this weather.  The chart plotter is usually wrong about where reef passages are.  I can’t tell if this is just a squall, or the front of a big rain system.
“Turn around” Cpt says.  We’ll put on the autopilot and go below”
It’s calm and cozy feeling in the dim interior, with the sudden rough weather lashing away outside.  In 10 minutes the rain stops, and after 20 we turn back around and start on the approach to the pass again.  I can see the long line of the squall moving away to the east.  By the time we get to the pass, the wind is back down to 20 knots steady, the seas have calmed, and the fire onshore is chugging away calmly again.  The sun comes out, no squall clouds threaten, and we have an easy time picking out the dark blue water of the pass from the vivid greens of the reef in perfect visibility. 
NW winds at 20 knots pull us across the huge inner lagoon of Namena Reef, but when we near our chosen anchorage on the western side, Cpt decides its too exposed and we backtrack a bit.  We motor upwind towards the good-sized brush fire burning upwind and downhill in pine forest on the hills above the water.  It’s in the swirling air in the lee of a ridge, and quickens and slows in fits of activity in the disturbed late afternoon air.  The flame front is occasionally visible at the lower edge of the pine grove.  No human habitations are visible near it, but the bush is dense and I hope no one is losing their home in the fire.  Probably lit by a runaway trash fire or sparks, maybe lightning.  The surrounding hills look like they’re covered in old burns.  At first we think the smoke will force us to anchor in the exposed location, but then we pass through the haze and see our destination in clear air upwind of the fire.
Unfortunately the wind is blowing right down a big river valley into the broad shallow harbor we’ve chosen for the night. Sunset is near so we anchor in unsheltered water in 20-25 knots and resolve to keep an anchor watch if necessary.  At least there is plenty of room is something happens. 
Later the wind drops to 10-15, and we have an easy night.

The next day, Cpt downloads a weather gram via the radio.  The gribs show a large low to the south of Fiji, and another approaching from the west.  NW winds 20-25knots for the next day or two.  It would be a losing endeavor to try and motor through the pass and across Bligh Water in this, so we stay for the day.  I make yogurt and read about 19th century Pacific islands history and molluscs.   Cpt reseals some access ports on the starboard side, kills about 30 flies, and charts our course.  My magic polishing potion has left some disturbing green oxidation residue on the hard-to-clean screw slots etc on the stainless, and I’m left with nothing to do.  We’ll leave in the morning tomorrow and cross Bligh Water during the afternoon and night, on a course for the northern Yasawas.
Our nice cool nights have disappeared, replaced with warmth and heavy humid air.  The northern valley wind has shifted to a west wind that is mostly blocked and provides us only the occasional lazy breeze.  I chug iced coffee in search of motivation for the day.  I think I’ll sleep on deck tonight if it doesn’t rain.  Although some rainwater for washing clothes would be nice. 
Got some weird veggiess at market in Taveuni - okra, toroi, lumpy grapefruit like citrus.

Eventually, the wind shifts to SE and we manage to leave Namena Reef.  We cross Bligh water so quickly that near nightfall we take down the sails and cross the remaining distance to the Yasawas on bare poles at 3 knots.   I stay up on watch all night, watching a meteor shower and rigatebirds flying very low over the boat.  It was dark and cloudy and one flew right into the topping lift. 
Beaut dawn with slowly fading stars.  Yasawas in sight- we’d passed through the channel south of the hard-to-see-in-all-conditions and should be avoided by a wide margin Pascal reefs.  Expected some sort of weirdness out of Bligh water for some reason- maybe the name- but didn’t’ get it, other than the fast poles trip.  Pictured derelicts drifting around the seas at 3 knots in the darkness.
After sun came up, wind increased to 20-25 knots and seas built up until we got into the shelter of Yasawa island.  There was a long line of rocks coming off the NW point that wasn’t on the chart.  Low hills behind our anchorage in the north weren’t enough to block the wind-  whitecaps right up to the beach.  It was only 9am and we continued on, me happy to enjoy the seas motion without sickness again finally and relaxing with eyes closed, listening to Joshua Slocum.  Next anchorage south better- 2 boats there, one celadon- Aussie racing boat.  Bigger hills and it dropped to 10-15knots inside.  Lots lil islands with reefs, nice clear blue and green water, volcanic cliffs islands and headlands, and lots and lots of white sand beach backed by a thin strip of beach vegetation and rolling golden grass hills.  Cpt hoping for greener, says this is like Mexico.  I like it.  Anchored in 35’ sand.  It’s blowing hard out of the SE when we anchor.  Unfortunately the island funnels the wind rather than blocking it, and we spend 3 days unable to leave, getting buffeted by alternating calm and 35+ gusts. 

When the wind finally dies a little- gusts less frequent and only in low 20s,  we raise anchor easier than expected (patch reef close behind us) and headed out.  We head to Wai I Sala, a beautiful anchorage next to a high, sculpted limestone island  which makes an unexpected appearance in the middle of all the dark basalt of the Yasawas.  Outside the wind picked up to 20-25knots, seas low-moderate.  Blowing straight down passage in here at 25 knots.  Pretty trip, with grassy slopes topping 150’ black volcanic cliffs.  Unfortunately it’s still blowing harder here than hoped, with no protection behind high limestone island and whitecaps going all the way to shore.  A bit of wave action as tide comes up.  Shoaled up quick; anchor is in 48’ of sand.  Two boats are behind us and we drag about 20 min after setting, fortunately I was outside and noticed quick- we were getting pushed back fast by 25-30 knot winds.  A lil better than the other place though, as long as we hold. 
Standing watch for a few hours now, a pleasure since this place is real beautiful.  Cpt says reminds him of Vava’u.  We pondered the existence of big block of limestone island- reef that grew over hot spot area of up thrust and subsidence?  Yasawas are linear vent, did their rising create horsts and grabens, then subsidence and up thrust of a limestone block?  Also sea level changeto consider..  Wai I Sala has lots of overhanging cliffs with eroded bottoms, and eroded limestone blocks lining hanging over the sea.  Beaut lil shallow channel between it and a second island, which I hope to kayak when it gets calmer. 
Next day went to a local church 1030-1230.  The village shoreline was full of abandoned stone houses- various hurricanes blew off the roofs- there was a recent yr when they had 3 hurricanes, cassava rotted, lots crop damage, govt helped some but not much.  We went to new Pentacostal church in town (which makes 3 large churches in this tiny village), Church was open shelter of big poles, 2x4s, tin roof with plywood strapping about 5’ apart- said cost $2000 form local collections, plan  proper church after November collections- need $20,000 for wood, or $30,000 for stone.  Used to be one church, but now 3 in town of 150, everyone chooses what they think is best .  Service is outside under tin roof on poles, lots emotion, women wailing, paster making a loud, impassioned speech, wiping his sweating face with a handkerchief periodically.  I could picture his great grandfather rousing the village to war against neighbors.  H gave us a special welcome in English, then the rest was in Fijian except a couple phrases, ‘local ministry’, ‘who told you to be naked’.  Guitars, kids and everyone sitting real close, felt pretty welcomed.  Beaut setting.  Had eucharist - funny feeling eating christ with former cannibals.  They figure the last cannabalism act here was in 1927 J

After church we were invited for a lunch of cassava, canned corned beef opened with machete, papaya, cassava cake and lemon leaf tea.  Men had some green curry stuff with beef and a lot of bones too.  Everyone was working in garden this am, lunch, work afternoon, but not too hard!  Half the 6 people there spoke English.  We ate in a very humble tin shack, 1.5 rooms, where everyone cooks, eats, sleeps, stove on one wall of firewood on shelf, I’m offered one of the few spoons and the last piece cassava cake.  Suddenly pastors cell phone rings and then everyone pulls out cells and starts talking and texting… surreal.

Sail to Blue Lagoon short - not even worth raising sails.  Winds 5-15 knots, sunny, seas fairly calm.  Passages mostly wide and easy, but one big unmarked shoal on the way into the western passage into Blue Lagoon.  Anchored in 55’ feet.
In the morning we went to a small store at resort on other island.  No beer since it was $120 Fiji/case.  PM kayaked around Nanuyu island - very pretty.  Huge areas shallow brilliant green lagoon stretching way out from shore, several other low budget resorts on other side, tea house.  Surfed a couple waves, got out and swam a bit. 

Yasawas - Blue Lagoon to Naviti
Chart plotter didn’t show passage south out of Blue Lagoon at all- only shoal.  Low-mod seas, wind 15 knots south, overcast so vis not great, but we could see well enough to make our way out.  Passage was broad and deep at high tide.  Motored down to Naviti in 4 hrs.  Anchored in 30’ sand in the northern Naviti anchorage, north of the village of Somosomo.  Better sheltered from the south wind 20-25 knots that night than the anchorage by the village, even tho only low hills by us.  Pretty bay with colorful coral and a long sand beach with good shells.
Paddled in to beach.  Looked for trail to WWII plane snorkel on other side.  Someone had bamboo marker at W end beach, but this was nav mark and not trail mark.  We walked down to other end.  The beach had funny runoff channels and was composed almost entirely of puka shells in places.  We collected some for necklaces, and some nice purple cowries and bright red coral. 
Nice walk across thru new type of jungle- very dense with lots of vines in shore zone.  Coconut burn piles and papayas, lots lil tracks going off in dif directions.  Emerged into long grass highlands of rolling hills - pretty view.  Back down into shore zone 10 min later, walked alongside barbed wire plantation.  Nice homestead with open park like short grass with trees than sandy ground with coconuts.  Broad sandy shallows stretching out ot islands ½ mile offshore.  Swam out, rain recently and vis only 15’.  Plane was lil Spitfire, lower half tail, part fuselage, and fuel tanks or something left.  Not much to see. 

Tried to leave the next day and go down eastern side of island between shoal and islands, but no luck - rough seas and blowing 25knots.  We motored straight into and watched our speed decrease from 5 knots to 0.7.  Steering dif, watched ourselves nearly stand in place for 2 hrs, then gave up and returned to Naviti.
Somosomo village- built on sand ridge with tidal swamp behind it, running right thru middle village.  Nursing clinic and school, nice houses, sevu sevu brief and impersonal, row of women with trinkets waiting for us outside after.  Gave us coconuts, showed us woman with bad knee infection and swollen leg, asked for help.  Not sure where nurse was but she had daily hours posted outside nice well maintained clinic.  Tried to call local clinic on radio with no luck, then advised the woman to take a fast boat in to hospital.
Next day left Naviti 8 am and arrived Waya 3 pm.  Calm at first, then wind picked up from 10-23 knots in first two hours.  Sea built up to rough very quickly.  Tacked way out to west, then back to Waya- long trip of 20 miles, nice to sail instead of motoring, and only way we could have reached it against the wind anyway.
Anchored in 35’ sand in prettiest anchorage so far, with green and gold hills and very steep black volcanic face rearing up right above us.  Very well sheltered from wind, a lil rolly at times with E/N swell.
We need to get to Lautoka and then Vanuatu, but it’s blowing 20-30 out of the east today, so not possible yet.  Lautoka is 30 miles from here.  Deceptively peaceful and sunny inside right now.
After three days of waiting we woke up to calm weather- and got the hell out of there.  Nice calm easy trip down E side Waya, wind 15 knots dies to nothing 5 miles from Lautoka- perfect sailing.  Sea calm, wind f SE to E.  Reefs all not visible, none marked.  Couple big channel markers once we got right up to city. 

Looked for the old marina in Lautoka but it’s not there anymore.  Anchored by sugar factory, got covered in black soot by next morning.   I sat outside having coffee with breakfast, and when I got up and brushed the soot off myself I saw that I had left a soot shadow on the deck.  Eek.
 Harbor fairly open and not sheltered, ended up with lil 2-3’ wind waves when wind shifted north later.   Mud, poor holding, dropped anchor in 25’, dragged a couple times, then held.  We go in to talk to customs, and when we come back out a guy on the boat next to us says we’re in bad spot.  The tide falls a little further and I see the big rusty metal post we’re anchored almost on top of just off to port- good thing we missed it with the dingy.  Moved to a safe spot. 
Lautoka hot and dusty, all the shops ordered into districts according to their type of business - engineering, money exchange, auto repair, tailors, restaurants…
Decided to get out of Lautoka and go to Vuda Point for rest of time here.  Fortunately we’ve had some unseasonal pouring rains, and the wind’s been in the right direction, so all the soot’s been rinsed off and stayed off.